Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Must Have: Creativity Envy

I am in France, learning French, supposedly 4 days a week for 3 hours a day, 9am to 12pm. Unfortunately, the teacher has interviews to conduct on 2 Tuesday mornings of every month, so that means I am left with an extra day off twice a month. Today is one of those extra days. And what do I do with my borrowed time, you may (or may not) ask?

I cruise the internet, aimlessly wandering from idea to idea.

But of course it's all wedding related, right?

Sure it is!

So this morning I stumbled upon yet *another* super adorable wedding. But though the wedding was cute and I liked it a lot, the real crush envy that I am feeling is for the following video Save-the-Date:

I especially love the story of this couple since I can sympathize. Mr. Fox and I also spent a dreadedly difficult period in a loooong distance relationship. (Though not as LD as Singapore to the US. Hats off to Steve and Sheralyn for making their long LDR work!)

This chick spent an awesome amount of time creating this fantastic piece of lovely. I so wish I had the fantastic creativity (and cotton ball stash) to do something so freaking cool!

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