Wednesday, February 13, 2013

New Babies Must Have Celebrations

I know, I know. It's been forever since the last time I posted. But I have to say that I've been up to quite a lot since the wedding. Of course there was the inevitable wedding wrap up which was just the worst. Getting out thank you notes and tallying the budget was just a nightmare. Good thing that is all over.

But I'm not here to talk about that. I'm here to talk about another type of Big Day... the arrival of a baby! Don't get too excited, it's not a Fox baby. Not just yet. But it'll be the first baby brought into our little expat community here in Germany and we're excited!

Us Foxes are throwing a very non-traditional baby shower for New Baby Y. According to Wikipedia (gotta love the Wiki!),

 "baby shower is a way to celebrate the pending or recent birth of a child by presenting gifts to the parents at a party. The term shower is often assumed to mean that the expectant mother is "showered" with gifts. "

Interestingly enough, most baby showers are these women only frilly events where toilet paper is abused in the name of good fun and the colors pink and blue are vomited everywhere as decoration. Miss Manners be damned! Mommy Y doesn't want your Sex and the City-esque frou-frou fete! So we're going to be able to be more creative.

Men must be included. Sorry SITC loving ladies. Source.
Just as a matter of course, Mommy Y has also banned diaper cakes.

None of these allowed. Source.
Honestly, I've never thrown one of these before and the only one I've ever attended was when I was like 12. All I remember is learning how to make a towel "rise" (by folding it into the shape of a penis). I'm actually thankful that Mommy Y isn't interested in a girlie-girl deal. Judging from the amount of wedding related stuff left around the flat I'm glad I won't have tons of storks or baby carriage confetti to clean up.

We're going to go low-key. Beer. Finger foods. Charades. Sunday afternoon. No muss, no fuss, no confetti. It will be good.