Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Gotta Have Foxy Tango!

During my first stint in Germany I made a great friend who introduced me to tango. Yeah, I knew what it was before and had always had wanted to try but it was never on my "Need to Do Now" list. She changed all that.

I went with her a couple of times to the local tango joint called Ballhaus Goldfisch (it's a dance school with the weirdest name) where she taught me how to walk backwards (more difficult than you imagine) and I was privy to sights like this:

And this:
It was hot.

So I've decided that Mr. Fox and I should cut the proverbial counterclockwise rug at our wedding for our first dance as Mr. and Mrs. I looked up the beginners' courses, prices, and schedules and presented it all to Mr. Fox. Our conversation went something like this:

Me: (in my super salesman voice) I think we should take tango lessons. (presenting my research) Wouldn't that be fun?

Mr. Fox: (hesitantly, as if he senses a set up) Uh, sure. You should if you want to.

Me: (defiantly) No, I mean us... as a couple. Like together.

Mr. Fox: No, it's okay if you do them by yourself.

Me: (realizing that I'm not gaining any ground) But I need a dance partner and I think it should be you.

Mr. Fox: (sensing he is winning) I don't mind if you dance with someone else. It's just dancing.

Me: (getting desperate) Yeah, but it's tango and your partner has to hold you really close. (I demonstrate the chest-to-chest tango hold.) Wouldn't you be upset if you saw someone else holding me like this?

Mr. Fox: (shrugs) Not really because I wouldn't be able to see since I won't be there.

Me: (smirking, under my breath) You've just opened up a whole can of worms with that one...

Needless to say, we are not yet taking tango lessons. I'm simply laying in waiting, biding my time...

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