To veil or not to veil. Someone has asked this question of me, in some form, several times thus far. I honestly have no clue. I have no strong feeling either way. Mostly I do not wear things in my hair. I wear it up,
Hair up. |
I wear it down.
Hair down. |
I have curly, crazy curly hair. I have a big head and my hair makes it even bigger. I love this style:
Diana Ross's hair is wild and free. Gorgeous hair all over the place. Source. |
Though I don't have the moxie to rock wild every day, I usually let my hair roam free. So hair accessories are not something I'm accustomed to. Yes, I know. Not many people wear a veil every day and there are lots of options when it comes to bridal hair wear. But I'm completely undecided. I want to wear something that is completely me. Unfortunately, completely me equals big hair with no adornments, meaning no veil.
My mother does not approve.
So I'm testing the waters, doing my research, and trying on hair stuff. Yesterday, I tried on this neat hair thingy...
...and fell in love!!! It was sassy, it was comfy, it was super cute on my giant head. But, yes, it's black. And no, the wedding style in my head will not support black headwear. Back to the drawing board, better armed with the information that I apparently love the style of a birdcage veil.
How about flowers in your hair??? Veils are so 16th century...